How Raffle Website Process Works

Discover the vital steps to success in the raffle business by understanding how a well-structured plan plays a crucial role.

If you are considering launching a raffle business, it is essential to understand the intricate workings involved in getting your venture off the ground. Developing a well-structured website is a crucial aspect of this process. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through each step, providing invaluable insights on how to achieve success in the raffle industry. Learn more about the meticulous process of how a raffle website operates and harness this knowledge to drive your business forward.

1.Decide a Business Name

Selecting a business name is the initial and pivotal step in establishing your business. The chosen name serves as the first impression for customers, conveying the essence of your business. Once you have finalised a name, you can proceed to check its availability for web addresses (domain names) and other related aspects. If you require assistance in verifying domain availabilities, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

2.Register Business and Secure Domain

Upon confirming the availability of your chosen business name, you can proceed with the business registration while we simultaneously securing your domain. Once the domain is successfully secured, you can move forward to the next stage of the process.

3. Create a Website Plan

After successfully registering your business and securing the domain, it’s time to strategise the development of your website and its key features. Raffle and competition websites generally share common functionalities, unless you have a unique concept in mind. In terms of design, you can either select from our pre-designed templates or opt for a custom design tailored to your specifications. Once the website features and design plans are finalised and approved, we will seamlessly transition into the development process.

4. Commence Logo and Website Design

Upon approval of the website plan, we will proceed with the project. If you have requested a logo, we will prioritise its creation and present it to you for approval. Once the logo design is finalised and approved, we will proceed with the website development phase. Our goal is to complete the development within the agreed-upon timeframe, ensuring timely delivery of your website.

5. Payment Gateway

While we diligently work on developing your website, it is essential for you to explore various payment gateway providers. To streamline the process, we have curated a list of recommended payment gateway providers who readily accept raffle websites. We will provide you with their contact details, allowing you to reach out to them and determine the optimal solution for your needs. Once you have chosen a provider, you can initiate their application process to integrate the selected payment gateway into your website seamlessly.

6. Finalise Payment Gateway

As you progress with the payment gateway application, we will finalise the initial draft of your website. This draft will consist of a fully functional website containing all the necessary information required for the payment gateway provider’s review. Once they assess and approve the website, they will provide you with the necessary details to set up the payment gateway. We will seamlessly integrate the payment gateway into your website using the provided information, ensuring a smooth and secure payment processing experience for your customers.

7. Establish Your Social Media Presence

While we put the finishing touches on your website, take the opportunity to set up your social media accounts and share the links with us. This will allow us to seamlessly integrate them into your website. In the meantime, you can begin promoting your upcoming website launch through various social media channels, building anticipation and engaging your audience. (We will discuss RMG license requirements below)

8. Terms and Conditions & Other Essential Pages

To ensure compliance, we offer templated terms and conditions and privacy policy pages for your website. However, depending on your specific requirements, additional pages like Terms of Use, Acceptable User Policy, and Extended FAQs may be necessary, especially when running paid promotions on social media. In such cases, we strongly recommend seeking guidance from a solicitor experienced in raffle website policies. They will carefully review your website and provide advice on any necessary policy adjustments. If you require the services of a solicitor, we can provide you with contact details of professionals who specialise in guiding businesses through the process, ensuring your compliance with regulations for running paid social advertisements.

9. Social Media (Meta/Facebook) RMG License

This RMG license is not required if you do not plan to run paid social media adverts.
To run ads that promote online gambling or gaming, advertisers will need to request permission from Meta. This pre-approval is also identified as RMG License. To get the RMG license you need to meet several criteria imposed by the Meta. COmplete this process you need a letter from a solicitor stating that your website compliance with local rules and regulations. If you need a solicitor contact for RMG Licensing process, we can recommend you a solicitor who have experience in raffle site RMG licensing process.

10. Raffle Website Launch

Once the payment gateway setup is successfully completed, we will conduct thorough payment tests to ensure seamless functionality. With the final touches applied, your website will be ready for handover and launch. At this stage, you can begin adding new competitions and commence promotional activities to engage your audience and generate interest in your raffles.

11. Raffle Website Maintenances

Upon the successful completion and launch of your website, we are pleased to offer our maintenance services should you require them. We have tailored pricing packages available to cater to your specific needs. For more details regarding our maintenance packages, we encourage you to contact us. Our team will be delighted to provide you with further information and assist you in selecting the most suitable maintenance plan for your website.